i found the theme of this exhibit, action/reaction, to be very relevant to this time period, especially in the ways that the artists interpreted the theme. although it is very broad and could be completely lost on our generation, the approach that the artiststook made it current and very accessible. for example i really thought that the reusable bags made out of billboards were really innovative and presented such a creative way to react to the issue of shopping bags. the prius billboards made of plants, in my opinion, captured the theme the best. the design
Friday, December 10, 2010
Museum Visit : Action/Reaction
i found the theme of this exhibit, action/reaction, to be very relevant to this time period, especially in the ways that the artists interpreted the theme. although it is very broad and could be completely lost on our generation, the approach that the artiststook made it current and very accessible. for example i really thought that the reusable bags made out of billboards were really innovative and presented such a creative way to react to the issue of shopping bags. the prius billboards made of plants, in my opinion, captured the theme the best. the design
California Design Biennial @ PMCA
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Sandeep Mukherjee

Sandeep Mukherjee is another artist whose work I am loving right now. It is along a similar abstract vein as Angeline Rivas'. He often employs marker on mylar, which allows light to shine through the work. He is a Los Angeles artist and UCLA grad whose work was reccommended to me by my drawing teacher. Definitely check out his website:
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Katharine Glasheen
Artists I like!
Angeline Rivas

I am really loving this artist right now. I found her work on the Beautiful/Decay website, a site I found out about when the founder of the magazine visited our class to give a talk. I really enjoyed his talk so I've been following the blog since then...
These are ballpoint ink drawings. So beautifully detailed.
Katharine Glasheen

The Pasadena Museum of California Art was an enlightening experience. I have never been to a museum as contemporary as this one, and it sure brought me up to speed with the contemporary art world. The theme of the Museum's Biennial was sustainability. I found the theme quite relevant to our present world, due to climate change, renewable energy, and global warming (amongst other issues) being important concerns of our times. By far I thought that the designs which dealt with transportation embraced the theme the best. Most of us use some form of transportation everyday, and it tends to be expensive and/or rather industrial. The designs for transportation were sleek, innovative, and best of all, took account for the transportation's environmental impact. I found the purses made of beetles and/or feathers to be the least compelling. I though that in comparison to transportation and other designs, that they were the least useful and wouldn't appeal or effect on a grand scale that efficient technologies would.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Pasadena Museum of California Art by Luis Villanueva
A small museum nestled in the middle of downtown Pasadena, the Pasadena Museum of California Art was an experience to remember. At first glance I didn’t expect much form an exhibition floor that seemed no bigger than a house. However, I found the pieces in this museum to quite interesting and innovative. Never fully seeing the extent to which fashion has become an art form, I was particularly intrigued by the clothing. Its variety ranged from psychedelic jump suits, to razor blade dresses to sustainable clothing made up of recyclable materials, everything in this museum said; “funky-funky-fresh!” Remarkably the trip was worthwhile and I definitely believe I have found a new art venue that interests me.
ART WALK by Luis Villanueva
A few weeks ago I found out about this event that happens here in downtown once every month. It’s called ART WALK. When I first went to this event last month, I seriously didn’t know what to expect. But as I saw the open galleries, the free orderves, and the artwork I was hooked. Beautifully set up and remarkably well-organized, ART WALK has become the place to see and be seen. What is ART WALK you ask?
ART WALK is an event held in downtown’s Gallery Row (Main St.) when art venues are open to the public. At no charge for admission, this event has certainly drawn in local Los Angelinos who never would have considered themselves ‘artsy.’ To me it is remarkable to see the exchange of ideas that goes on in this short-lived event both among artist and non-artist. Seriously, CHECK IT OUT if you haven’t already. The next one is tomorrow Dec. 9th!
Taking a trip downtown is never short of amazing. It seems like every time I go there a new adventure is to be found; a new art venue to be discovered. A few months ago I found a small shop in the corner of Main and Winston with a series of colorful posters. Upon taking a look inside, I discovered that it was a graffiti shop owned by local street artist ‘Man One’ as he is commonly referred to as among his peers.
It was just mere luck that I stumbled upon such a recognized artist. I took this unique opportunity to ask him a few questions about how his shop came about. At one point during this brief conversation, we came the topic of Los Angeles’ existence as a cultural art center. Friendly, but always in a hurry, Man One hastily told me to check out Gallery Row while I was in the downtown area. As it turns out Gallery Row is one block away from Man One’s shop. Not surprisingly, he has had many exhibitions
throughout the Gallery Row and the greater Los Angeles Area
(as I later discovered). Upon researching Man One’s career further, I found that his artwork is not limited toWhich got me thinking: Isn’t all art public? Isn’t the exhibition of artwork the purpose behind creating it in the first place? Taking this into account, I came to the conclusion that art should have no boundary. Art should be free and public. Understanding what was briefly described by Man One during my visit, it is the purpose of an artist to communicate to the masses a message in a clear eye-catching way. It is always useful to understand the existence of street art as a form of free expression, something that cannot and should not be oppressed.
Point exercice

1- It looks straight at us.
2- It intersects with the diagonal of the image.
3- its the highest point of intersection between white and gray on the cat's head.
4- It's elusive.
5- I can't quite see it.
6- It's the darkest part on the cats' head.
7- It's making me think about it.
8- It wish it was bigger.
9- The point with the point between the cats feet cut its in equal halves.
10- the points looks down below the cat.

1- The point is pointing to the rising sun in the morning before class.
2- I can hand a coat on the point.
3- The point is sharp.
4- The point is pointy.
5- The point falls in front of the white wall area.
6- The point with the top of the tower and the lower left corner of the frame form what appears to the naked eye to be a straight line.
7- The point narrow the door slightly in comparison with its bottom.
8- The point forms a straight line with the other point on the top of the door.
9- The point is a dark edge.
10- The point points downs to the student's head and in a straight line towards the right edge of the white brick elevation.

1- It's pointing towards the entrance of the classroom.
2- I can use it to cut paper.
3- it's not the only point in the image
4- it's the sharpest point in the image
5- It's the meeting of 2 lines that divide the image in two parts.
6- the point feels to drop into the gray.
7- the point is the furthest point North West.
8- The point touches the darkest gray in the gray zone.
9- The point with the mushed white of piece paper cut the angle into two equal halves.
10- The point inwardly points to the paint mix.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
LACMA visit

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Eric Tan
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Arts District

When adventuring downtown, you usually find yourself in one random district or cultural center or another. Most recently I stumbled upon the arts district, which is close enough to the toy district to have the aesthetic of bleak warehouses, but just gentrified enough to be a serious attraction, as opposed to terrifying like the toy district.. There is an art supply store and a few restaurants and stores in the area and is just a few blocks away from Little Tokyo as well.
Monday, November 15, 2010
TypeCraft FieldTrip Extra Credit
Over the weekend, I went with AIGA on the Typecraft Inc. Fieldtrip. Since I initially do not know much about the printing and what goes into creating artwork through print and the business aspects that comes with it, I was not expecting the process to be so complicated.
After the brief overview introduction, I realized that the printing business is very competitive and that only way to survive within the industry is to have loyal, targeted customers. The owner showed us some of their finished products and USC related works. One thing that I thought was really interesting was the FOLDING booklet, teaching how to achieve folding techniques.
Working with designers and their specific demands was also a big issue that the printers have to be aware of and address. Since printing already has high input costs, having mistakes within the final draft of the design has to be addressed early on in the process.
A new "technology" called the Laser Printer prints out smoother looking pieces. Like this event planning pamphlet.
Friday, November 12, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
An alternative to ripping your Barbie's head off

Do you remember that first Barbie you owned? If you're a guy, then probably not. But ladies, I'm sure, remember how we combed their hair and dressed them up?
Artist Daena Title explores the idealized beauty that these childhood dolls represent in her upcoming exhibit "Drown the Dolls" at the Koplin Del Rio in Culver City. The exhibit, which opens Jan. 8 and will run until Feb. 19, features paintings that attempts to drown away the unrealistic expectations for the female figure.
Title is a figurative painter whose work centers mainly around women's issues and contemporary social dynamics. After seeing the last show we went to in Pasadena, I thought she would've been a good fit for the "Action/Reaction" theme.
For more information, click here.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Action/Reaction: The 2010 Design Biennial

The Pasadena Museum of California Art recently hosted the 2010 California Design Biennial, titled "Action/Reaction." The exhibition attempted to display "how California's established and emerging designers are responding to and finding inspiration in today's economic, political, and environmental challenges and uncertainties." The objects curated into the exhibition focused on themes such as environmental sustainability, consumerism, and urbanization. The featured artists were chosen for their work's ability to "challenge the notion that design is just aesthetics by showing it as a vital cultural force that shapes and responds to our changing world."

The overarching theme of the exhibition was broad enough to encompass a number of smaller subjects. For example, the work of Tanya Aguiniga responds to the modern feeling of isolation. The modern person finds him/herself struggling to accept globalization while at the same time maintaining a sense of individuality. Aguiniga reacts against this sense of loneliness and lostness, claiming that her woven rope necklaces speaks to the "interconnectedness of societies, the beauty in struggle and the celebration of culture."

Michel Berandi's First Earth Battalion (2009) struck me as one of the most extreme representations of the exhibition's theme. His sculpture takes the form of a women clad in a black leather jacket and heels constructed of antelope horns while a shock of hair resembling "a compressed billow of smoke" erupts from the back of the biker helmet. His vision is brooding, characterized by a "darkly romantic aesthetic colored by an apocalyptic reaction to modern life." Though many of the designs featured in the biennial displayed bright colors and hopeful themes, Berandi's work sat at the head of the opposite end of the spectrum. He represented a more pessimistic view of the future, where people must turn inward to protect themselves, rather than opening out to embrace tomorrow.

I found Raven Kauffman's work the most interesting of the exhibition. Her designs were, first and foremost, aesthetically beautiful (and also gloriously curated -- the suspended objects projected eerie, gorgeous organic patterns upon the wall that added an additional dimension to the display), which I have always considered the primary purpose of both art and design. But not only that, but her work was conceptually fascinating as well as functional. She designs purses and handbags in the image of objects in nature. Each of her accessories are painstakingly intricate and one of a kind. Her work challenges the conformity of modern materialism, responding with consumer goods that are unique instead of mass-produced, crafted by hand rather than machine.

Meanwhile, I found the work of Koi Suwanngate to be the least compelling. Her fashion designs, while constructed of recycled materials, struck me as very conventional. Floral influences, feminine ruffles, traditional silhouettes -- classically beautiful motifs, but also very common tricks. Perhaps this aesthetic is her intent. While fashion pretends to move forward, it often falls back upon tradition for tried and true molds of success. Nevertheless, I did not see her work as particularly innovative, merely pretty.

As a whole, I found the exhibition to be fascinating. It encouraged me to consider Design in ways I tend to neglect. I habitually think of "design" in terms of graphics, ad campaigns, and other such obviously aesthetic objects. I forget to also consider the beauty in functionality. Product design is as vital a branch of Design as a flashy iPod commercial. "Action/Reaction" reminded me that the best designers are those that adapt their work to remain beautiful and useful in an ever-changing world.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
PMCA filed trip
PMCA exhibit:
The theme of this Fall art exhibit at the PMCA was sustainability in design.
I found many creations very appealing esthetically and functionally. I was very impressed by the Toyota Prius initiative. Not only we can lower green gas emitions in our outdoors, we can also contribute in making it a prettier place to look at, especially on city freeways.
The second thing that attracted my attention was the Icon A5 aircraft. With the capability to be flown out of ground, grass, water, it represents a possible future option for human commute.
Click to enlarge

Other designs geared towards outdoor activities were on display such as the Inflatable Kayak which allows for easy handling and storage in small transportation vehicles, and offers the same
advantages of traditional kayaks.
Click to enlarge

I also found the AR Bicycle really cool. With its scientifically studied aerodynamics and carbon fiber make, it is an example of modern technology and how it used to optimize human athletics and physical activities.
Click to enlarge

And finally the wing house, a house that was completed using real jet wings to serve as a roof. A prime example of how recycling can work in new environment and architecture in particular. While it is an attractive idea, it in fact quite costly to achieve such a result, as was experienced by the owner if the house during the building stage. Transportation cost for the jet wings and the logistics of keeping the wings intact, were particularly challenging especially considering the rural location of the house.
Click to enlarge
Thursday, October 28, 2010
25 Differences: Blueberries

The first time I did this assignment I used a carton of blueberries that proceeded to be eaten the following night. After learning that I actually needed those guys to create a composition, I bought another. Unfortunately, that poor carton was fated to grow moldy with neglect -- but in my defense, what kind of ethical supermarket sells berries that go bad in three days? Anyway. Here I am. Take three. Better late than never, eh?
1. Spherical
2. Disc-shaped, flatter
3. Symmetry of form: "star" on top aligned with "bellybutton" on bottom
4. Round
5. Oblong
6. Disc-shaped berries tend to be larger, wider
7. Rounder berries tend to be smaller
8. Varying heights of raised edges of "star"
9. Size of "bellybutton" not always proportional to size of berry
10. Blue skins all over
11. Red skins on bottom surrounding "bellybutton" of the berry
12. Darker, saturated skin shades
13. Lighter, desaturated skin shades
14. Yellow stains when squished
15. Purple stains
16. Yellow flesh inside
17. Green flesh inside
18. Wrinkles of the skin
19. Smoothness of the skin
20. Speckles in the skin
21. Uniformity of color and shade throughout single berry
22. Dents in the berry
23. Squishiness
24. Firmness
25. Juiciness when squished
t-shirt differences

2) different sizes
3) one is more wrinkled than the others
4) one looks more used than the others
5) one stands out more (brighter)
6) some sleeves are rolled up
7) some are hung perfectly, some are not
8) some droop lower than others
9) one takes more space than the others
10) one looks like it belongs in another column of t-shirts
11) one looks better maintained than the others
12) one fits into a different category of styles
13) one sticks to the other t-shirts
14) one is corduroy
15) one overlaps 3 other shirts
16) one is trying to hide amidst the other shirts
17) one looks like it was never worn
18) one needs to be washed
19 ) one looks like the material is thinner
20) one looks warmer than the others
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Design Biennial
(Images are coming... having trouble uploading. I'll edit the post once I figgur' it out.)
The theme of the Design Biennial was Action/Reaction caused by the problems facing society today. Each piece of art was a response to how our world is quickly developing and changing, centered mainly on the need for more eco/green products friendly to our Earth and the environment it creates. Although the works fell into widely different "categories" of art (graphic design, fashion design, transportation design, etc.), the main theme was to take what we have in society today and develop a safer, more sustainable version for the future. This theme is extremely relevant because of the problems we face and solutions we seek in the world today. Listening to the news or looking at the newest ad campaigns for environmental/social/political problems has become more common throughout the past ten years, reaching the peak of its popularity now more than ever.
The theme was clearly expressed through many of the objects on display. The idea of "eco-friendly" was very obvious throughout the exhibit, as well as the process of recycling, reusing, and rethinking. One object that caught my eye was the Tom's Shoe cloth doormat/pot-holders. I'm not sure if it was the use of a brand name or the fact it was on the floor, but it caught my eye because of the way the designer took one familiar, already socially beneficial object and turned it into two more things, both of which were environmentally beneficial.
The idea that captured the theme most clearly, for me, was the Toyota Prius landscape ads. Aside from taking the idea of going green quite literally, the piece effectively communicated its purpose through the materials and the design. It assessed a current issue (the excessive use of fuels, a cars impact on the environment) and communicated the way of rethinking the idea in general as well as the idea of how to advertise it.
I found the majority of the fashion design pieces the most interesting, probably because I used to work in a fashion boutique. Although, I did really find the way of designing and using natural materials to create unique pieces of jewelry very intriguing. Looking at how carefully crafted the pieces were, I couldn't help but realize how much more I would appreciate accessories if they weren't mass-produced like many are today. I find that my eyes are constantly drawn to favor something different and foreign than something familiar and popular.
The piece that I found the least compelling, although beautiful, was the cut paper decoration hanging from the corner. I was very intrigued by how large and carefully constructed the layers were, but I didn't get the point of what it had to do with the theme of Action and Reaction. It was a captivating piece, but almost seemed of a waste of paper thinking about the green aspect to the exhibit.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time at the exhibition for many reasons. I never had much time before I came to college to seek out exhibitions and museums like these, so getting the chance to finally see artwork in Los Angeles was a nice break from campus life. Also, I'm very interested in the Green Movement, so I appreciated seeing how many different ideas centered around Earth's environmental crisis. The artists could have reacted to many different things, but the focus on Earth was encouraging.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
b i e n n i a l : a c t i o n / r e a c t i o n
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
i loved the combination of shapes in the following design. there's a really nice balance of randomness and consistency, and the color combination works really well.
juliette bellocq's "celebration" designs were really amazing. they evoked so much joy and happiness, and the fact that she combined inspirational phrases with such ecstatic designs was very effective.

tanya aguiniga's designs were breathtaking. i loved the felt chairs that she did, but I was most inspired by the images of the fabric. there's such texture and movement to them - it's as if they're 3-dimensional.

i also really liked the concept of redesigning signs in la. it's not that the current signs aren't successful in communicating what they need to, but there's no creativity, design, or even thought to them. by redesigning street signs in los angeles, it will not only make our city more visually appealing, but it will also modernize it greatly.
overall, the museum was very inspiring. i saw that simplicity is key, and less is more.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
PCMA 2010.10.16
2. Even if most all of the objects were design first, philosophy next, the theme of the collection ran strongly, even through the clever OKGO music video.
3. If we're talking not just environmental consciousness but Global Consciousness, I would have to credit Willem Henri Lucas, with his books and poster project "The Culture and Globalization Series 1". It was a well of information filtered and designed for easy translation. I saw it as a guide to interpreting the world facts we never see. Fascinating and necessary and enlightening.
4. It is not a coincidence that the most interesting thing I found was the design piece mentioned above. It was arresting. I literally started to walk away from the posters, thinking I had read them all, when a new angle in it popped out and I had to get a closer look. (This happened, really, like 3 times)
5. I found them hilarious and wonderful, but I don't think the designs of the Pirate and Victorian-Age problem solvers by Dave Eggers' group did the best job fitting the theme. Were they well designed? OhMyGoshYes. I loved them and wanted to steal each and every one. But I felt that they were a little out of place when the philosophy's communication came through.
6. The field trip was enlightening and impactful, especially because there was something for every young designer there to attach to. They did a fine job of covering all of the bases with design carefully considered enough to display. Also, the poster design for the exhibit was amazing.
Field Trip
The exhibition at the PMCA was very eye-opening and perfectly themed around problems we are facing on a daily basis, such as environmental sustainability. The art gave examples of things that were “action/reaction”. Nothing portrayed the theme better than the music video where they set up a huge domino effect; everything preceding the action that was taken (whether it was a ball, a domino, a switch, or water) affected the following action. It was the most literal way to define the theme, in addition to it being environmentally friendly as well, since mostly all the appliances they used in the music video were recycled trash.
What least fit the theme, in my opinion, were the fashion artworks. I did not understand, metaphorically how it fell under the “action/reaction” category. I thought it could be an emphasis on women’s stance in society, since one of the figures was a woman with a motorcyclist’s helmet on, showing a more masculine and dark side of the slim woman.
Architecture really captures my eye wherever I go, so the models in the exhibition were very intriguing. I really appreciate architecture that revolves around and coexists (not affecting) with the environment. All of the models looked beautiful, complex, and environmentally friendly. The action is taking the initiative and creating a building that contains less unnatural resources inside of it to save energy and keep the environment around it cleaner, and plant resources in the building that are natural. In addition, the buildings are filled full with plants and sunlight, to give it a more natural appearance. The reaction of this amazing action is beneficial to the people, the environment, and ultimately the decision of other architects to follow the same mentality when creating a building.
Since environmental studies is my minor in college, overall a lot of the art gave me hope and determination, knowing that even artists are fighting through an era where hope for our world is becoming slim to none. This exhibition made me realize that art is one of the most powerful means of, indeed finding an influential reaction from an even more influential action.
Field trip