Saturday, April 24, 2010

the lighted room

by Sharon R.
Doug Wheeler
(b. 1939, Globe, Arizona; lives and works in Los Angeles)

1969 Vacuum-formed Plexiglas and white UV neon light. Purchased with funds provided by Bullock's Bullocks Wilshire

"I never worried so much about permanence because I make things that you experience, and then it's in your mind. Most of my stuff is site specific or site related. but I feel that's what we do in life. We have first hand experiences, and those are the ones we don't forget. They stay with us and hopefully they're meaningful enough that they're with you the rest of life. That's pretty much what I have always been after. I've always tried to do that stuff that has an effect on you that you never forget the first time " ---Doug Wheeler

I was wondering aimlessly around in the museum. Suddenly there is a hidden room behind the white wall caught my attention. I walked closer and saw an entrance; soft white light is glowing in the darkness, bring out a sense of serenity. Then I realized that the whole room is a part of Wheeler's art work. It is exactly like what he describes in creating the work; it give a very first hand experience and make it hard to forget because the contrast of the light and dark triggered very strong emotional reactions.

Here, Wheeler plays with the subtleties of the contrast between light and darkness. When I enter the room, It immediately make me feel that I entered another world. The unique UV light successfully separate the room from the outside. He chooses the most available hue for the UV light, white. At the same times, he chooses UV light because of its softness. The shade blended well with the light to create a very inclusive, and healing space. He has an excellent pick in the medium. The room, at the same times, reveal a strong feeling of solitude. When I walk into the room, I feel I am in the mid of glowing light and feel very secure and peaceful. The light seems to be able to penetrate the soul and remind me the beautiful but fragile things in life. It makes me forget about the fact that the room is empty. It is filled with emotions, while the light is glowing everywhere.

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