Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fieldtrip at PMCA

The theme of the biennial was Action/Reaction. This deals with problems in the world and how each designer/artist reacts to these range of topics. I feel that the theme very relevant as I walked by and examined the art pieces up close. At first, I thought when does fashion, furniture, consumer products/transportation, and architecture get grouped together. Then, I realized in each field, there can be specific problems that can be solved through sustainable ways. The overarching motif seemed to be "being green."
The theme was expressed through the objects displayed. I really liked Coffman's purses and her concept was inspired from the Forever 21's quantity/cheap over quality aspect. Her purses were made out of beetle wings and feathers. Each handbag was made in a unique way. Her message was reacting to the problem overproduced, trendy fashions that now dominates the fashion world. It was subtle but very related.
I feel that the felt chairs fit with the theme most closely and I liked the idea the most. What do you do with uncomfortable cold chairs? You put felt on them to make them feel nicer to the touch. This is a unique product design. It's a simple idea but also a very effective one.

I thought that the Method laundry detergent design by Alyssa Walker was maybe too simple of a reaction to more "green" products. 

I had a great experience at the exhibit learning what kind of thought the artist/designer put into their artwork and it not only comes from pure creativity. It had a wide range of topics for each person to relate with.

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