Sunday, January 23, 2011

20 differences in 20 Pennies

Object: Pennies
Dimensions: 1.27 mm (or .05 inches) thick. - .75 inches or 19 Millimeters in diameter.
Material: copper plated zinc
Inventory Date: N/A
Location Found: My Wallet
  1. Year on Penny
  2. Some are a bright copper color
  3. Some are a very dark brown
  4. Some have chips along the edge
  5. Some are completely smooth along the edge
  6. The oldest one(s) have begun to turn turquoise
  7. Some of the years on the pennies are legible, others are not
  8. Ones that are mid age blend into my hand; the older and newer ones don't
  9. The newer ones would be more noticeable to the average person walking down the street
  10. The older pennies feel thicker physical size
  11. The newer pennies feel lighter in weight
  12. All of the pennies in the bunch made before 2009 have the lincoln memorial on the back
  13. Abraham Lincoln is visible in any type of light on the newer pennies, but hardly visible on the older ones
  14. One of the pennies has a shield like symbol on the back
  15. One of the pennies has Abraham lincoln standing next to the Lincoln Memorial
  16. One of the pennies has what looks like a log cabin on the back
  17. One of the pennies has begun to erode away the copper and is turning silver on the edges
  18. The older pennies have light copper accents and the newer pennies have dark brown accents.
  19. Some pennies have been touched by trillions of hands, others probably only millions or thousands
  20. The newer pennies are cleaner

Monica Ahanonu

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