Saturday, April 7, 2012

Ashley Barlow - LACMA: College Night

On Thursday evening, I had the pleasure of going to the LACMA and participate in College Night, where interactive activities took place and students indulged themselves with refreshments while viewing the exhibitions. When my mom and I first got to the museum, we went into the exhibit called, “California Design 1930-1965 – Living in Modern Day.”  I enjoyed looking at old fashion designs from the 30’s – 60’s and witness how some things have changed and how some things are back in style. Many of the designs seemed over the top, and over the top and bold items of clothing like jewelry is something I really love.  Also, I thought it was interesting to witness that years ago, color was just as important in design as it is today, and that the rules of color still applied. My favorite piece in the Alice in Wonderland Exhibit was a Remedios Varo painting called El flautista (The Flutist), in which the face of the figure was made out of pearl, not paint, and when looking at the piece from a certain angle, the face of the woman become fluorescent. I really liked this piece because I never considered the idea that pearls could serve as another medium to help create a piece. Overall, I thought this event was nice because of the environment and different people coming together to share a common interest in the arts.

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