Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sara S Project 2


  1. Image 1A & 1B: these work we;; for balance of course. Can they be combined? Image 2A &2B:Both are good compositions for proportions, but perhaps add a slight curve to the diagonal formed by the circles so it's not such a quick read. Image 3A & 3B: both are good and have lots of movement. Image 4A &4B: for emphasis and economy perhaps version B works slightly better.

  2. For the first two (balance) I like the second one better. I like the yin/yang analogy and the diagonal line makes the image look more complete and gives the figures some context within the picture and with each other (it makes the two figures seem more connected and balanced). For the next two (proportion) I like the second one but I agree with the previous comment- that the circles should get smaller on a diagonal. I like the black background better and I think it fits better with the idea you were talking about of outer space. I also think the idea of proportion is more evident in the second one as the circles clearly recede in scale. For the next two (movement)- I really like both of them but I think my eye was immediately drawn to the first one. I like the variation in value and thickness of the lines and I think it has some more defined movement because in the second one, I don't know where to look first. the first one moves my eye on a diagonal. For the last two (emphasis and economy)- I think the second one fits better for this category since the image is still evident and clear but the shading is minimal.

  3. For the first set, I like the first image a bit better…it is simpler, but i like that they are identical, but the image isn't symmetrical because the body is flipped upside down.
    I like the second better in the second set….For the third, they both work really well…but for the first of them, I wonder if it would be stronger if the bubble the figure is in was completely empty of other shapes
    And the last, they are both very beautiful…I think they both work well

  4. I agree with Ella, that the first image of the first set is better. I like the detail in the heads. However, I am still unsure how I feel about the hands and feet being cut off. Including them in the picture plane might slightly improve the composition. For the second set, I think it might be interesting to combine the two because I like the movement in the first, but I think the black background is more effective. The last two sets of images are really strong. They both have a lot of movement.

  5. I really like the second one, I think it would make a great balance. The use of black and white really reminds me of a yingyan thing. I also really like the second one with the figure in the circle. Your last set, i really like the second one for emphasis.
