Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Hello fellow Designers (:

I have three different reasons as to why I am interested in designing or learning more about design.

The first one is fashion designer Michael Costello. I first knew of Michael Costello when I watched a season of Project Runway. I, however, did not notice his work during the show since I did not particularly focus on him. After he got big, I came across his designs and his dresses. NOW i noticed his work. They were beautiful. I was truly inspired about his intricate designs. Looking at his designs helped me gather more confidence to draw out my own designs, even if they were only for myself to look at. Now, i have an even greater love for dresses!
Below are three out of many designs he created: (images all from website: http://mtcostello.com)

My second inspiration is a drawing of a heart i drew in a personal journal. It was my third attempt. I had a phase of drawing body parts, or the human body in detail, and i came across an image of a heart. After my first attempt, i knew i could do better and so i drew a second one. I made a small mistake that changed how the heart looked and i didn't like it, so then i decided to draw a bigger one to be able to show more detail. I was satisfied and it made me realize that I CAN draw, and that I CAN get the satisfying result if i put my heart into it. I also realized, whenever i do draw or put something on paper, it comes from emotional inspiration. 

My third reason as to why i am interested in design, is that i grew up in a very artsy family. My dad has always had a passion for interior design and he loves dressing well. This has definitely influenced my way of dressing, and my passion for art. I also grew up with Egyptian and Chinese culture. I have an attraction to the architecture of mosques, or temples. My life was surrounded by art and design.

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