Monday, October 5, 2009

Assignment 2

The main theme or subject matter for my for pieces is spiderwebs. I originally started out with a broader focus on nature, but I realized that focusing on a more specific subject allowed me to focus more on the quality of my design rather then the content. I was inspired primarily by Aubrey Beardsley because I liked the emphasis he placed on line. I felt that Aubrey used contours in a delicate and almost web-like way. I also looked at works by Gajin Fujita, although I don't think that I did a great job of incorporating elements of his style in my designs.


This first work has a pretty obvious use of repetition. I repeated the image of a segment of a spiderweb eight times. In addition, each hook-like spider web segment has repetition within it because they are made up of a series of similar lines. I tried to add a little variation within the piece by changing the line measure. For example, the lines are thicker at the tip of the webs. I also used my micron to add thinner lines. I think that this piece could also work as my movement piece.


The spiderweb theme is pretty clearly illustrated in this piece. I made two images of a spider web, one somewhat larger then the other, and I placed them in a relatively simple composition so as to keep the veiwers attention focused on the balance element unifying the work. I originally started with a deign that was black on white but inverted it (in response to Sherin's advice). I am glad I did, because the inverted design stands out more, especially when it is placed next to my other works. The background makes the piece feel heavier and thus it demands more attention from onlookers.

Emphasis and Economy:

This is actually my favorite of the four. I wish I could pin point why. I guess I like the simplicity of it, and the idea that something as complicated and intricate as a spiderweb could be represented by a few carefully placed lines. This work is meant to reference the circular and centrally-focused nature of spiderwebs. In response to the prompt of this particular piece, I chose to leave a lot up to viewers imagination, allowing them to interpret the piece as they may.


My last work focuses on the movement within a spiderweb. Again, I emphasized the circular nature of a spiderweb and created a design that instructs the eye to travel around the piece before resting at its focus on the center. I balanced the thicker lines with thinner micron-drawn ones. If I had more time I would have added more small lines to make the piece more dynamic and complex. I left the spaces in the center vacant to create the illusion that the web was growing and expanding, and thus emphasis the theme of movement.

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