Thursday, October 8, 2009

Project 2

My artistic influence for this piece was the artist Shepard Fairey, for his ideas on propaganda and sending messages to viewers.  I am very interested in social propaganda and the 
thoughts that it provokes in people, and a lot of the artwork I do is based off of this fact. Since I had the opportunity to wor
k in a subject I really love, I used Fairey as my influence. He has some
 very interesting designs especially with striping so I tried to utilize this in  my piece that reads "BE HIP."   

In this piece, I depict a simplistic sheep which has been tagged by the farm owning it. The text reads "BE HIP GET TAGGED." It is meant to bring into light the idea of people following crowds and going with the masses. It is putting a negative connotation on trends and sarcastically telling people to be themselves.  The repetition of the stripes was meant to shadow the way Shepard Fairey puts these in his pieces. They make the subject of the image pop more. 

In this image, I made a imaginary monster that is very simplistic and made him holding text that reads "IMAGINATION IS DEAD." His face is very sad making it seem that something is wrong with the fact that people do not use their imagination enough. The arms almost make it look like a scale weighing two equally balanced things, which in turn makes this piece literally "balanced."

In this piece, simplistic design is what makes it so economic. It shows a clock, and Peter Pan flying Wendy into the night. The text on the clock reads "THEY LEFT AND ARE GONE" meaning all hope for childhood and innocence has left this world. It works for social propaganda because it makes someone stop and think about taking a second to appreciate life and not take everything so seriously. 

In this piece, a sea monster is attacking a pirate ship. The text reads "IMAGINATION IS DEAD" but instead of the emphasis being on a self created monster like the previous piece, this one is placing emphasis on monsters that people have claimed to exist but won't believe in. The piece is under the category of movement because of the waves that the monster is creating in the water and is about to knock over the ship. 

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