Monday, January 20, 2014

Doodles & Videos

My name is Rowena, and I'm a senior at Marshall. Growing up, I've always been drawn to all things artistic and creative. I tend to find beauty in anything and everything, especially the little things in life.

Here are a couple of doodles I drew for fun and stop-motion videos I've created for work, enjoy!


  1. Hi Rowena- your ink drawings and typography looks great. You can definitely use theses for class projects. Also check out the link to PES under Design Links to the left. Your stop motion videos remind me of him.

  2. Rowena, I love your stop-motion videos, so fun!

  3. Rowena - Awesome work, I really like what you've shared! I remember you telling the class about this bar project that you helped work on and I actually saw some of them at a cafe a week ago! That's impressive that you're so involved with it!
    In high school, I had a stop-motion assignment for my art class and it was extremely difficult and time consuming! I remember that i struggled the most with maintaining the same lighting and executing the subtle movements for each frame. It seems like you've done a great job at this and I remained intrigued during both of the videos the entire time!
