Monday, January 20, 2014

Max - Introducing Myself

Hello everyone! My name is Max Novak. I was born in Berkeley, raised in lovely Oakland California, and am currently a Freshmen here at USC. I am a Classics major as of now, but have always enjoyed design, and am considering picking up a minor within Roski.

 My interest in design stems mostly from graphic fashion design and the clothing that I would see around the city and in skate videos. Since high-school I've dabbled in clothing design, and started a brand called WORSE with some friends. Right now we're re-evaluating the brand and working on some other projects.

 Here's a photo we did with our second shirt. The font is taken from the logo of the HBO show "The Wire", and the white back only print is supposed to be vaguely reminiscent of police jackets. We hand acid-washed the shirts to give them a semi-tie-dye look.

This is the Dirty Harry tee. I themed this one around some poster art from SF's most legendary cop movie, in the form of a jersey shirt.

This is a picture I found of a hat that I did a few years ago. The california coast is stitched on the side of the W. The hat released in a variety of Bay Area colors.

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