Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Handmade Project

For the Collaboration project, Joanna and I teamed up with Rayne and Michael to create a series of physical typography. They came to us with the idea in mind and since it sounded like a great project to take on, we committed.

We spent the first day gathering inspiration from Pinterest, Tumblr, behance, and Google Images as well as collecting and choosing which materials would be used to create our series which ended up being Post It Notes, knock-off Pixy Stix dust, rubber bands, safety pins, tea bags, and grass. I decided to work with the fake Pixy Stix dust that I took from the dining hall (thanks for the free candy, EVK) and grass due to the essentially-infinite supply I had of each. After all of these decisions were made, the team divided so that we could form the alphabet with the mediums we proposed. Rayne, Joanna, and I focused on the production of the letters while Michael documented the process and final products with his camera.

Construction was finished by the end of Day 2 and were able to move onto the creation of the book. I was able to propose ideas for the cover and layout of the book, but it was ultimately Rayne and Michael who made the final decisions regarding the outcome.

Given the chance to do this project again, I would definitely be more assertive in the decision-making process. I am confident enough with my skills in layout that I would have been able to improve the aesthetic of the book itself which I was, personally, a bit disappointed in. Similarly, I would have strengthened my push for a physical book because seeing everyone else's groups with a tangible product made me feel as though our was less, for lack of a better word, legitimate.

All in all, the collaboration was a great learning experience and I'm glad I got to be a part of it!

- Jackie Mayuga

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